Tìm cơ hội cược BO với Trend line

Tìm cơ hội cược BO với Trend line

Tìm cơ hội cược BO với Trend line
@vĩnh0902 EJ 1-0, vẫn là em macro xác suất, thiệt tình là mình ghét cắt bệt, cảm giác nó run ko thể tả, chỉ có em macro máu lạnh mới dám cắt thôi. :D
Sever sàn đang bảo trì hay sao í, lệnh ko hiển thị full sóng mà chỉ hiển thị điểm vào và thoát :)
@vĩnh0902 EJ 1-0, vẫn là em macro xác suất, thiệt tình là mình ghét cắt bệt, cảm giác nó run ko thể tả, chỉ có em macro máu lạnh mới dám cắt thôi. :D
Sever sàn đang bảo trì hay sao í, lệnh ko hiển thị full sóng mà chỉ hiển thị điểm vào và thoát :)
View attachment 134951
Chào bác ạ, lâu lâu mò vô chủ đề B.O này mới thấy bài viết của bác, em thấy rất hứng thú vơid cái Marco mouse and keyboard recorder ạ. Mong bác làm một bài hướng dẫn chi tiết sử dụng cho em cũng như ae TraderViet ạ. Em cảm ơn.
@vĩnh0902 EJ 1-0, vẫn là em macro xác suất, thiệt tình là mình ghét cắt bệt, cảm giác nó run ko thể tả, chỉ có em macro máu lạnh mới dám cắt thôi. :D
Sever sàn đang bảo trì hay sao í, lệnh ko hiển thị full sóng mà chỉ hiển thị điểm vào và thoát :)
View attachment 134951
đủ la take profit thôi bac oi .như hôm qua mà theo đến tối là toang keke:D
Chào bác ạ, lâu lâu mò vô chủ đề B.O này mới thấy bài viết của bác, em thấy rất hứng thú vơid cái Marco mouse and keyboard recorder ạ. Mong bác làm một bài hướng dẫn chi tiết sử dụng cho em cũng như ae TraderViet ạ. Em cảm ơn.
Trên Youtube có hướng dẫn đó bạn, search phát ra ngay, nôm na là nó làm thế cho các thao tác mà bạn phải lặp đi lặp lại thôi hà, ví dụ như canh tín hiệu từ chỉ báo để vào lệnh là một hành động mang tính chất lặp đi lặp lại thì có thể dùng macro, còn canh tín hiệu từ chỉ báo để phân tích, sau phân tích mới vào lệnh là hành động không mang tính chất lặp lại, ko thể dùng macro :D
@vĩnh0902 đây là em Signal của list 30' bên trên
// BO - Woodies CCI - Backtesting
// © inno14
strategy("BO - Woodies CCI - Backtesting", pyramiding=0)
Date   = input(true, title = "=== Date Option ===")
FromDay   = input(defval = 1, title = "From Day", minval = 1, maxval = 31)
FromMonth = input(defval = 1, title = "From Month", minval = 1, maxval = 12)
FromYear  = input(defval = 2020, title = "From Year", minval = 2017)

ToDay     = input(defval = 1, title = "To Day", minval = 1, maxval = 31)
ToMonth   = input(defval = 1, title = "To Month", minval = 1, maxval = 12)
ToYear    = input(defval = 9999, title = "To Year", minval = 2017)

// === DATE RANGE ===
start     = timestamp(FromYear, FromMonth, FromDay, 00, 00)  // backtest start window
finish    = timestamp(ToYear, ToMonth, ToDay, 23, 59)        // backtest finish window
window()  => time >= start and time <= finish ? true : false // create function "within window of time"

// === Trading Time ===
CTimeDvM   = input(true, title = "=== Trading Time ===")
Time_zone = input(7,title="Time Zone")
FromHourDvM   = input(defval = 07, title = "From Hour", minval = 00, maxval = 23)
FromMinuteDvM = input(defval = 00, title = "From Minute", minval = 00, maxval = 59)
ToHourDvM   = input(defval = 18, title = "To Hour", minval = 00, maxval = 23)
ToMinuteDvM = input(defval = 00, title = "To Minute", minval = 00, maxval = 59)

fhDvM= (GMT_FHDvM<10?"0"+tostring(GMT_FHDvM):tostring(GMT_FHDvM))
fmDvM= (FromMinuteDvM<10?"0"+tostring(FromMinuteDvM):tostring(FromMinuteDvM))
thDvM= (GMT_THDvM<10?"0"+tostring(GMT_THDvM):tostring(GMT_THDvM))
tmDvM= (ToMinuteDvM<10?"0"+tostring(ToMinuteDvM):tostring(ToMinuteDvM))
WorkingHourDvM = fhDvM+fmDvM+"-"+thDvM+tmDvM
t0_DvM = time(timeframe.period, WorkingHourDvM)
htrtime = input(true,title="Highlight Trading Time")
bgcolor(htrtime? t0_DvM? color.gray : na:na, title="Trading Time", transp=90)

//Woodies CCI
cciTurboLength = input(title="CCI Turbo Length", type=input.integer, defval=6, minval=3, maxval=14)
cci14Length = input(title="CCI 14 Length", type=input.integer, defval=14, minval=7, maxval=20)

source = close
cciTurbo = cci(source, cciTurboLength)
cci14 = cci(source, cci14Length)

last5IsDown = cci14[5] < 0 and cci14[4] < 0 and cci14[3] < 0 and cci14[2] < 0 and cci14[1] < 0
last5IsUp = cci14[5] > 0 and cci14[4] > 0 and cci14[3] > 0 and cci14[2] > 0 and cci14[1] > 0
histogramColor = last5IsUp ? color.green : last5IsDown ? color.red : cci14 < 0 ? color.gray : color.gray

//Plot Woodies CCI
plot(cci14, title="CCI Histogram", color=histogramColor, style=plot.style_histogram, linewidth=10, transp=40)
plot(0, title="Zero Line", color=cciTurbo>100?color.blue:cciTurbo<-100?color.red:color.navy, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=10, transp=20)
hline(200, title="Hundred Line", color=color.black, linestyle=hline.style_dotted)
hline(-200, title="Minus Line", color=color.black, linestyle=hline.style_dotted)

//Plot lingreg CCI14
linreg_cci14=linreg(cci14, 5, 0)
plot(linreg_cci14, color=color.aqua, linewidth=4)

//peak & top
peak_cci= linreg_cci14[2]>linreg_cci14[3] and linreg_cci14[1]>linreg_cci14[2] and linreg_cci14[0]<linreg_cci14[1] and linreg_cci14[0]>0
bott_cci= linreg_cci14[2]<linreg_cci14[3] and linreg_cci14[1]<linreg_cci14[2] and linreg_cci14[0]>linreg_cci14[1] and linreg_cci14[0]<0

//Put signal
       and cci14[1]>100
       and cci14[2]>100
       and cciTurbo[3]>100

//Call signal
       and cci14[1]<-100
       and cci14[2]<-100
       and cciTurbo[3]<-100

no_orders =
       not x1[1]
       and not x1[2]
       and not x1[3]
       and not x1[4]
       and not x1[5]
       and not y1[1]
       and not y1[2]
       and not y1[3]
       and not y1[4]
       and not y1[5]

       x1 and no_orders

       y1 and no_orders

//Plot Analyzing Signals
       xTech?"Put signal":yTech?"Call signal":
       "Backtesting From: "+tostring(FromDay)+"/"+tostring(FromMonth)+"/"+tostring(FromYear)+" To: "+tostring(ToDay)+"/"+tostring(ToMonth)+"/"+tostring(ToYear)
       + " * Trading Time From: "+tostring(FromHourDvM)+":"+tostring(FromMinuteDvM)+" To "+tostring(ToHourDvM)+":"+tostring(ToMinuteDvM)
label_sig_text = label.new(bar_index[0], -1.5*300, text=sigtext, style=label.style_none, textcolor=sig_col, size=size.large)

//plot Signal
putcol = xTech? color.red : na
callcol = yTech? color.blue : na
PutSignal= xTech and window() and t0_DvM?-1.2*300:na
CallSignal= yTech and window() and t0_DvM?-1.2*300:na

//plot(PutSignal, title='Put Signal', style=plot.style_columns, color=color.red, offset=1, transp=0)
//plot(CallSignal, title='Call Signal', style=plot.style_columns, color=color.blue, offset=1, transp=0)
plotshape(PutSignal, title='Put', text="Put", style=shape.circle, location=location.absolute, color=color.red, textcolor=color.black, offset=1, transp=0, size=size.large)
plotshape(CallSignal, title='Call', text="Call", style=shape.circle, location=location.absolute, color=color.blue, textcolor=color.black, offset=1, transp=0, size=size.large)

strategy.entry("Call", strategy.long, when=yTech and window() and t0_DvM)
strategy.entry("Put", strategy.short, when=xTech and window() and t0_DvM)
strategy.close_all(when=barssince(xTech)==6 or barssince(yTech)==6)
=== Ảnh minh họa - backtest ===
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
@vĩnh0902 đây là em Signal của list 30' bên trên
// BO - Woodies CCI - Backtesting
// © inno14
strategy("BO - Woodies CCI - Backtesting", pyramiding=0)
Date   = input(true, title = "=== Date Option ===")
FromDay   = input(defval = 1, title = "From Day", minval = 1, maxval = 31)
FromMonth = input(defval = 1, title = "From Month", minval = 1, maxval = 12)
FromYear  = input(defval = 2020, title = "From Year", minval = 2017)

ToDay     = input(defval = 1, title = "To Day", minval = 1, maxval = 31)
ToMonth   = input(defval = 1, title = "To Month", minval = 1, maxval = 12)
ToYear    = input(defval = 9999, title = "To Year", minval = 2017)

// === DATE RANGE ===
start     = timestamp(FromYear, FromMonth, FromDay, 00, 00)  // backtest start window
finish    = timestamp(ToYear, ToMonth, ToDay, 23, 59)        // backtest finish window
window()  => time >= start and time <= finish ? true : false // create function "within window of time"

// === Trading Time ===
CTimeDvM   = input(true, title = "=== Trading Time ===")
Time_zone = input(7,title="Time Zone")
FromHourDvM   = input(defval = 07, title = "From Hour", minval = 00, maxval = 23)
FromMinuteDvM = input(defval = 00, title = "From Minute", minval = 00, maxval = 59)
ToHourDvM   = input(defval = 18, title = "To Hour", minval = 00, maxval = 23)
ToMinuteDvM = input(defval = 00, title = "To Minute", minval = 00, maxval = 59)

fhDvM= (GMT_FHDvM<10?"0"+tostring(GMT_FHDvM):tostring(GMT_FHDvM))
fmDvM= (FromMinuteDvM<10?"0"+tostring(FromMinuteDvM):tostring(FromMinuteDvM))
thDvM= (GMT_THDvM<10?"0"+tostring(GMT_THDvM):tostring(GMT_THDvM))
tmDvM= (ToMinuteDvM<10?"0"+tostring(ToMinuteDvM):tostring(ToMinuteDvM))
WorkingHourDvM = fhDvM+fmDvM+"-"+thDvM+tmDvM
t0_DvM = time(timeframe.period, WorkingHourDvM)
htrtime = input(true,title="Highlight Trading Time")
bgcolor(htrtime? t0_DvM? color.gray : na:na, title="Trading Time", transp=90)

//Woodies CCI
cciTurboLength = input(title="CCI Turbo Length", type=input.integer, defval=6, minval=3, maxval=14)
cci14Length = input(title="CCI 14 Length", type=input.integer, defval=14, minval=7, maxval=20)

source = close
cciTurbo = cci(source, cciTurboLength)
cci14 = cci(source, cci14Length)

last5IsDown = cci14[5] < 0 and cci14[4] < 0 and cci14[3] < 0 and cci14[2] < 0 and cci14[1] < 0
last5IsUp = cci14[5] > 0 and cci14[4] > 0 and cci14[3] > 0 and cci14[2] > 0 and cci14[1] > 0
histogramColor = last5IsUp ? color.green : last5IsDown ? color.red : cci14 < 0 ? color.gray : color.gray

//Plot Woodies CCI
plot(cci14, title="CCI Histogram", color=histogramColor, style=plot.style_histogram, linewidth=10, transp=40)
plot(0, title="Zero Line", color=cciTurbo>100?color.blue:cciTurbo<-100?color.red:color.navy, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=10, transp=20)
hline(200, title="Hundred Line", color=color.black, linestyle=hline.style_dotted)
hline(-200, title="Minus Line", color=color.black, linestyle=hline.style_dotted)

//Plot lingreg CCI14
linreg_cci14=linreg(cci14, 5, 0)
plot(linreg_cci14, color=color.aqua, linewidth=4)

//peak & top
peak_cci= linreg_cci14[2]>linreg_cci14[3] and linreg_cci14[1]>linreg_cci14[2] and linreg_cci14[0]<linreg_cci14[1] and linreg_cci14[0]>0
bott_cci= linreg_cci14[2]<linreg_cci14[3] and linreg_cci14[1]<linreg_cci14[2] and linreg_cci14[0]>linreg_cci14[1] and linreg_cci14[0]<0

//Put signal
       and cci14[1]>100
       and cci14[2]>100
       and cciTurbo[3]>100

//Call signal
       and cci14[1]<-100
       and cci14[2]<-100
       and cciTurbo[3]<-100

no_orders =
       not x1[1]
       and not x1[2]
       and not x1[3]
       and not x1[4]
       and not x1[5]
       and not y1[1]
       and not y1[2]
       and not y1[3]
       and not y1[4]
       and not y1[5]

       x1 and no_orders

       y1 and no_orders

//Plot Analyzing Signals
       xTech?"Put signal":yTech?"Call signal":
       "Backtesting From: "+tostring(FromDay)+"/"+tostring(FromMonth)+"/"+tostring(FromYear)+" To: "+tostring(ToDay)+"/"+tostring(ToMonth)+"/"+tostring(ToYear)
       + " * Trading Time From: "+tostring(FromHourDvM)+":"+tostring(FromMinuteDvM)+" To "+tostring(ToHourDvM)+":"+tostring(ToMinuteDvM)
label_sig_text = label.new(bar_index[0], -1.5*300, text=sigtext, style=label.style_none, textcolor=sig_col, size=size.large)

//plot Signal
putcol = xTech? color.red : na
callcol = yTech? color.blue : na
PutSignal= xTech and window() and t0_DvM?-1.2*300:na
CallSignal= yTech and window() and t0_DvM?-1.2*300:na

//plot(PutSignal, title='Put Signal', style=plot.style_columns, color=color.red, offset=1, transp=0)
//plot(CallSignal, title='Call Signal', style=plot.style_columns, color=color.blue, offset=1, transp=0)
plotshape(PutSignal, title='Put', text="Put", style=shape.circle, location=location.absolute, color=color.red, textcolor=color.black, offset=1, transp=0, size=size.large)
plotshape(CallSignal, title='Call', text="Call", style=shape.circle, location=location.absolute, color=color.blue, textcolor=color.black, offset=1, transp=0, size=size.large)

strategy.entry("Call", strategy.long, when=yTech and window() and t0_DvM)
strategy.entry("Put", strategy.short, when=xTech and window() and t0_DvM)
strategy.close_all(when=barssince(xTech)==6 or barssince(yTech)==6)
=== Ảnh minh họa - backtest ===
View attachment 135157
hic iq k có lệnh 30p vào lệnh quá time lại sợ loss.
@vĩnh0902 @Trương Nhật test giúp mình 2 tháng để mình bớt ảo tưởng sức mạnh nhóe :D


// BO - Woodies CCI - Backtesting
// © inno14
strategy("BO - Woodies CCI - Backtesting", pyramiding=0)
Date   = input(true, title = "=== Date Option ===")
FromDay   = input(defval = 1, title = "From Day", minval = 1, maxval = 31)
FromMonth = input(defval = 1, title = "From Month", minval = 1, maxval = 12)
FromYear  = input(defval = 2020, title = "From Year", minval = 2017)

ToDay     = input(defval = 1, title = "To Day", minval = 1, maxval = 31)
ToMonth   = input(defval = 1, title = "To Month", minval = 1, maxval = 12)
ToYear    = input(defval = 9999, title = "To Year", minval = 2017)

// === DATE RANGE ===
start     = timestamp(FromYear, FromMonth, FromDay, 00, 00)  // backtest start window
finish    = timestamp(ToYear, ToMonth, ToDay, 23, 59)        // backtest finish window
window()  => time >= start and time <= finish ? true : false // create function "within window of time"

// === Trading Time ===
CTimeDvM   = input(true, title = "=== Trading Time ===")
Time_zone = input(7,title="Time Zone")
FromHourDvM   = input(defval = 05, title = "From Hour", minval = 00, maxval = 23)
FromMinuteDvM = input(defval = 00, title = "From Minute", minval = 00, maxval = 59)
ToHourDvM   = input(defval = 04, title = "To Hour", minval = 00, maxval = 23)
ToMinuteDvM = input(defval = 59, title = "To Minute", minval = 00, maxval = 59)

fhDvM= (GMT_FHDvM<10?"0"+tostring(GMT_FHDvM):tostring(GMT_FHDvM))
fmDvM= (FromMinuteDvM<10?"0"+tostring(FromMinuteDvM):tostring(FromMinuteDvM))
thDvM= (GMT_THDvM<10?"0"+tostring(GMT_THDvM):tostring(GMT_THDvM))
tmDvM= (ToMinuteDvM<10?"0"+tostring(ToMinuteDvM):tostring(ToMinuteDvM))
WorkingHourDvM = fhDvM+fmDvM+"-"+thDvM+tmDvM
t0_DvM = time(timeframe.period, WorkingHourDvM)
htrtime = input(true,title="Highlight Trading Time")
bgcolor(htrtime? t0_DvM? color.gray : na:na, title="Trading Time", transp=90)

//Woodies CCI
cciTurboLength = input(title="CCI Turbo Length", type=input.integer, defval=6, minval=3, maxval=14)
cci14Length = input(title="CCI 14 Length", type=input.integer, defval=14, minval=7, maxval=20)

source = close
cciTurbo = cci(source, cciTurboLength)
cci14 = cci(source, cci14Length)

last5IsDown = cci14[5] < 0 and cci14[4] < 0 and cci14[3] < 0 and cci14[2] < 0 and cci14[1] < 0
last5IsUp = cci14[5] > 0 and cci14[4] > 0 and cci14[3] > 0 and cci14[2] > 0 and cci14[1] > 0
histogramColor = last5IsUp ? color.green : last5IsDown ? color.red : cci14 < 0 ? color.gray : color.gray

//Plot Woodies CCI
plot(cci14, title="CCI Histogram", color=histogramColor, style=plot.style_histogram, linewidth=10, transp=40)
plot(0, title="Zero Line", color=cciTurbo>100?color.blue:cciTurbo<-100?color.red:color.navy, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=10, transp=20)
hline(200, title="Hundred Line", color=color.black, linestyle=hline.style_dotted)
hline(-200, title="Minus Line", color=color.black, linestyle=hline.style_dotted)

//Plot lingreg CCI14
linreg_cci14=linreg(cci14, 5, 0)
plot(linreg_cci14, color=color.aqua, linewidth=4)

//peak & top
peak_cci= linreg_cci14[2]>linreg_cci14[3] and linreg_cci14[1]>linreg_cci14[2] and linreg_cci14[0]<linreg_cci14[1] and linreg_cci14[0]>0
bott_cci= linreg_cci14[2]<linreg_cci14[3] and linreg_cci14[1]<linreg_cci14[2] and linreg_cci14[0]>linreg_cci14[1] and linreg_cci14[0]<0

//Put signal
       and cci14[1]>100
       and cci14[2]>100
       and cciTurbo[3]>100

x1 =
//Call signal
       and cci14[1]<-100
       and cci14[2]<-100
       and cciTurbo[3]<-100
y1 =

no_orders =
       not x1[1]
       and not x1[2]
       and not x1[3]
       and not x1[4]
       and not x1[5]
       and not y1[1]
       and not y1[2]
       and not y1[3]
       and not y1[4]
       and not y1[5]

       x1 and no_orders

       y1 and no_orders

//Plot Analyzing Signals
       xTech?"Put signal":yTech?"Call signal":
       "Backtesting From: "+tostring(FromDay)+"/"+tostring(FromMonth)+"/"+tostring(FromYear)+" To: "+tostring(ToDay)+"/"+tostring(ToMonth)+"/"+tostring(ToYear)
       + " * Trading Time From: "+tostring(FromHourDvM)+":"+tostring(FromMinuteDvM)+" To "+tostring(ToHourDvM)+":"+tostring(ToMinuteDvM)
label_sig_text = label.new(bar_index[0], -1.5*300, text=sigtext, style=label.style_none, textcolor=sig_col, size=size.large)

//plot Signal
putcol = xTech? color.red : na
callcol = yTech? color.blue : na
PutSignal= xTech and window() and t0_DvM?-1.2*300:na
CallSignal= yTech and window() and t0_DvM?-1.2*300:na

//plot(PutSignal, title='Put Signal', style=plot.style_columns, color=color.red, offset=1, transp=0)
//plot(CallSignal, title='Call Signal', style=plot.style_columns, color=color.blue, offset=1, transp=0)
plotshape(PutSignal, title='Put', text="Put", style=shape.circle, location=location.absolute, color=color.red, textcolor=color.black, offset=1, transp=0, size=size.large)
plotshape(CallSignal, title='Call', text="Call", style=shape.circle, location=location.absolute, color=color.blue, textcolor=color.black, offset=1, transp=0, size=size.large)

strategy.entry("Call", strategy.long, when=yTech and window() and t0_DvM)
strategy.entry("Put", strategy.short, when=xTech and window() and t0_DvM)
strategy.close_all(when=barssince(xTech)==6 or barssince(yTech)==6)
@vĩnh0902 @Trương Nhật test giúp mình 2 tháng để mình bớt ảo tưởng sức mạnh nhóe :D
View attachment 135238
View attachment 135239
// BO - Woodies CCI - Backtesting
// © inno14
strategy("BO - Woodies CCI - Backtesting", pyramiding=0)
Date   = input(true, title = "=== Date Option ===")
FromDay   = input(defval = 1, title = "From Day", minval = 1, maxval = 31)
FromMonth = input(defval = 1, title = "From Month", minval = 1, maxval = 12)
FromYear  = input(defval = 2020, title = "From Year", minval = 2017)

ToDay     = input(defval = 1, title = "To Day", minval = 1, maxval = 31)
ToMonth   = input(defval = 1, title = "To Month", minval = 1, maxval = 12)
ToYear    = input(defval = 9999, title = "To Year", minval = 2017)

// === DATE RANGE ===
start     = timestamp(FromYear, FromMonth, FromDay, 00, 00)  // backtest start window
finish    = timestamp(ToYear, ToMonth, ToDay, 23, 59)        // backtest finish window
window()  => time >= start and time <= finish ? true : false // create function "within window of time"

// === Trading Time ===
CTimeDvM   = input(true, title = "=== Trading Time ===")
Time_zone = input(7,title="Time Zone")
FromHourDvM   = input(defval = 05, title = "From Hour", minval = 00, maxval = 23)
FromMinuteDvM = input(defval = 00, title = "From Minute", minval = 00, maxval = 59)
ToHourDvM   = input(defval = 04, title = "To Hour", minval = 00, maxval = 23)
ToMinuteDvM = input(defval = 59, title = "To Minute", minval = 00, maxval = 59)

fhDvM= (GMT_FHDvM<10?"0"+tostring(GMT_FHDvM):tostring(GMT_FHDvM))
fmDvM= (FromMinuteDvM<10?"0"+tostring(FromMinuteDvM):tostring(FromMinuteDvM))
thDvM= (GMT_THDvM<10?"0"+tostring(GMT_THDvM):tostring(GMT_THDvM))
tmDvM= (ToMinuteDvM<10?"0"+tostring(ToMinuteDvM):tostring(ToMinuteDvM))
WorkingHourDvM = fhDvM+fmDvM+"-"+thDvM+tmDvM
t0_DvM = time(timeframe.period, WorkingHourDvM)
htrtime = input(true,title="Highlight Trading Time")
bgcolor(htrtime? t0_DvM? color.gray : na:na, title="Trading Time", transp=90)

//Woodies CCI
cciTurboLength = input(title="CCI Turbo Length", type=input.integer, defval=6, minval=3, maxval=14)
cci14Length = input(title="CCI 14 Length", type=input.integer, defval=14, minval=7, maxval=20)

source = close
cciTurbo = cci(source, cciTurboLength)
cci14 = cci(source, cci14Length)

last5IsDown = cci14[5] < 0 and cci14[4] < 0 and cci14[3] < 0 and cci14[2] < 0 and cci14[1] < 0
last5IsUp = cci14[5] > 0 and cci14[4] > 0 and cci14[3] > 0 and cci14[2] > 0 and cci14[1] > 0
histogramColor = last5IsUp ? color.green : last5IsDown ? color.red : cci14 < 0 ? color.gray : color.gray

//Plot Woodies CCI
plot(cci14, title="CCI Histogram", color=histogramColor, style=plot.style_histogram, linewidth=10, transp=40)
plot(0, title="Zero Line", color=cciTurbo>100?color.blue:cciTurbo<-100?color.red:color.navy, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=10, transp=20)
hline(200, title="Hundred Line", color=color.black, linestyle=hline.style_dotted)
hline(-200, title="Minus Line", color=color.black, linestyle=hline.style_dotted)

//Plot lingreg CCI14
linreg_cci14=linreg(cci14, 5, 0)
plot(linreg_cci14, color=color.aqua, linewidth=4)

//peak & top
peak_cci= linreg_cci14[2]>linreg_cci14[3] and linreg_cci14[1]>linreg_cci14[2] and linreg_cci14[0]<linreg_cci14[1] and linreg_cci14[0]>0
bott_cci= linreg_cci14[2]<linreg_cci14[3] and linreg_cci14[1]<linreg_cci14[2] and linreg_cci14[0]>linreg_cci14[1] and linreg_cci14[0]<0

//Put signal
       and cci14[1]>100
       and cci14[2]>100
       and cciTurbo[3]>100

x1 =
//Call signal
       and cci14[1]<-100
       and cci14[2]<-100
       and cciTurbo[3]<-100
y1 =

no_orders =
       not x1[1]
       and not x1[2]
       and not x1[3]
       and not x1[4]
       and not x1[5]
       and not y1[1]
       and not y1[2]
       and not y1[3]
       and not y1[4]
       and not y1[5]

       x1 and no_orders

       y1 and no_orders

//Plot Analyzing Signals
       xTech?"Put signal":yTech?"Call signal":
       "Backtesting From: "+tostring(FromDay)+"/"+tostring(FromMonth)+"/"+tostring(FromYear)+" To: "+tostring(ToDay)+"/"+tostring(ToMonth)+"/"+tostring(ToYear)
       + " * Trading Time From: "+tostring(FromHourDvM)+":"+tostring(FromMinuteDvM)+" To "+tostring(ToHourDvM)+":"+tostring(ToMinuteDvM)
label_sig_text = label.new(bar_index[0], -1.5*300, text=sigtext, style=label.style_none, textcolor=sig_col, size=size.large)

//plot Signal
putcol = xTech? color.red : na
callcol = yTech? color.blue : na
PutSignal= xTech and window() and t0_DvM?-1.2*300:na
CallSignal= yTech and window() and t0_DvM?-1.2*300:na

//plot(PutSignal, title='Put Signal', style=plot.style_columns, color=color.red, offset=1, transp=0)
//plot(CallSignal, title='Call Signal', style=plot.style_columns, color=color.blue, offset=1, transp=0)
plotshape(PutSignal, title='Put', text="Put", style=shape.circle, location=location.absolute, color=color.red, textcolor=color.black, offset=1, transp=0, size=size.large)
plotshape(CallSignal, title='Call', text="Call", style=shape.circle, location=location.absolute, color=color.blue, textcolor=color.black, offset=1, transp=0, size=size.large)

strategy.entry("Call", strategy.long, when=yTech and window() and t0_DvM)
strategy.entry("Put", strategy.short, when=xTech and window() and t0_DvM)
strategy.close_all(when=barssince(xTech)==6 or barssince(yTech)==6)
tình hinh là ảo tưởng tiếp dk bác ạ hjhj

7h đến 19h
k có thay đổi đáo hạn nến à bác e thấy đáo hạn 5p cung ok mà bác
Sửa 2 dòng này
strategy.close_all(when=barssince(xTech)==6 or barssince(yTech)==6)
thành 2 dòng này là đáo hạn 1 nến nè :D
//strategy.close_all(when=barssince(xTech)==6 or barssince(yTech)==6)


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