Tìm cơ hội cược BO với Trend line

Tìm cơ hội cược BO với Trend line

Tìm cơ hội cược BO với Trend line
Shutdown ùi, ko là thêm một win đấy @vĩnh0902
@vĩnh0902 ngày thứ 2 ngồi trade, thực sự là quá căng thẳng dù đã takeprofit sau chuỗi 3 win buổi sáng, buổi chiều nhìn chart mà đổ hết mồ hôi hột :(
giờ trade bo sàn nào ok thế bro
Câu hỏi khó quá, mình không biết trả lời a. Về cơ bản thì không có sàn BO nào ok hết, chủ sàn mở sàn để móc túi chúng ta mà, nên nếu bạn thấy sàn bạn đang trade vẫn ổn thì cứ tiếp tục trade ở đó thui. Lucky trading!
@anhnguyen14 hjhj k biết bác code backtest đk indi này của idol HH k ạ..:D giá sideway e thấy hiệu quả phết :D
//Created by TheMightyChicken
//Based on LazyBear's Value Chart
study("Value Chart [TheMightyChicken]", shorttitle="VC")
// Inputs
length = input(5, title="Number of bars")
extTop = input(8, title="Extreme level top")
extBot = input(-8, title="Extreme level bottom")
// Value Chart Calculations
prev(s,i) =>
varp = round(length/5)
h_f = length > 7
vara=h_f ? highest(high,varp)-lowest(low,varp) : 0
varr1 = h_f ? iff(vara==0 and varp==1,abs(close-prev(close,-varp)),vara) : 0
varb=h_f ? prev(highest(high,varp),-varp+1)-prev(lowest(low,varp),-varp) : 0
varr2 = h_f ? iff(varb==0 and varp==1,abs( prev(close,-varp)-prev(close,-varp*2) ),varb) : 0
varc=h_f ? prev(highest(high,varp),-varp*2)-prev(lowest(low,varp),-varp*2) : 0
varr3 = h_f ? iff(varc == 0 and varp==1,abs(prev(close,-varp*2)-prev(close,-varp*3)),varc) : 0
vard = h_f ? prev(highest(high,varp),-varp*3)-prev(lowest(low,varp),-varp*3) : 0
varr4 = h_f ? iff(vard == 0 and varp==1,abs(prev(close,-varp*3)-prev(close,-varp*4)),vard)  : 0
vare = h_f ? prev(highest(high,varp),-varp*4)-prev(lowest(low,varp),-varp*4) : 0
varr5 = h_f ? iff(vare == 0 and varp==1,abs(prev(close,-varp*4)-prev(close,-varp*5)),vare) : 0
cdelta = abs(close - prev(close,-1))
var0 = (not h_f) ? iff((cdelta > (high-low)) or (high==low),cdelta,(high-low)) : 0
lrange=h_f ? ((varr1+varr2+varr3+varr4+varr5)/5)*.2 : sma(var0,5)*.2
mba = sma( (high+low)/2,length)
vOpen = (open-mba)/lrange
vClose = (close-mba)/lrange
vHigh = (high-mba)/lrange
vLow = (low-mba)/lrange
// Body Calculations
bodyHigh = vOpen>vClose ? vOpen : vClose
bodyLow = vOpen<vClose ? vOpen : vClose
body0 = (vOpen>0 and vClose>0) or (vOpen>0 and vClose<0) ? bodyHigh : (vOpen<0 and vClose<0) or (vOpen<0 and vClose>0) ? bodyLow : 0
body1 = vOpen<0 and vClose>0 ? bodyHigh : vOpen>0 and vClose<0 ? bodyLow : 0
bodyCover = vOpen>0 and vClose>0 ? bodyLow : vOpen<0 and vClose<0 ? bodyHigh : 0
// Wick Calculations
wick0 = vHigh>0 ? vHigh : vLow
wick1 = vHigh>0 and vLow<0 ? vLow : vHigh
wickCover = vHigh>0 and vLow>0 ? vLow : vHigh<0 and vLow<0 ? vHigh : 0
// Plots
vcolor = vClose>extTop ? lime : vClose<extBot ? red : silver
top_l = plot(extTop, title="Extreme Top Line", color=silver)
bot_l = plot(extBot, title="Extreme Bottom Line", color=silver)
fill(top_l, bot_l, black, transp=95)
plot(body0, linewidth=3, color=vcolor, style=histogram)
plot(body1, linewidth=3, color=vcolor, style=histogram)
plot(bodyCover, linewidth=3, color=white, style=histogram)
plot(wick0, linewidth=1, color=vcolor, style=histogram)
plot(wick1, linewidth=1, color=vcolor, style=histogram)
plot(wickCover, linewidth=1, color=white, style=histogram)
@anhnguyen14 hjhj k biết bác code backtest đk indi này của idol HH k ạ..:D giá sideway e thấy hiệu quả phết :D
//Created by TheMightyChicken
//Based on LazyBear's Value Chart
study("Value Chart [TheMightyChicken]", shorttitle="VC")
// Inputs
length = input(5, title="Number of bars")
extTop = input(8, title="Extreme level top")
extBot = input(-8, title="Extreme level bottom")
// Value Chart Calculations
prev(s,i) =>
varp = round(length/5)
h_f = length > 7
vara=h_f ? highest(high,varp)-lowest(low,varp) : 0
varr1 = h_f ? iff(vara==0 and varp==1,abs(close-prev(close,-varp)),vara) : 0
varb=h_f ? prev(highest(high,varp),-varp+1)-prev(lowest(low,varp),-varp) : 0
varr2 = h_f ? iff(varb==0 and varp==1,abs( prev(close,-varp)-prev(close,-varp*2) ),varb) : 0
varc=h_f ? prev(highest(high,varp),-varp*2)-prev(lowest(low,varp),-varp*2) : 0
varr3 = h_f ? iff(varc == 0 and varp==1,abs(prev(close,-varp*2)-prev(close,-varp*3)),varc) : 0
vard = h_f ? prev(highest(high,varp),-varp*3)-prev(lowest(low,varp),-varp*3) : 0
varr4 = h_f ? iff(vard == 0 and varp==1,abs(prev(close,-varp*3)-prev(close,-varp*4)),vard)  : 0
vare = h_f ? prev(highest(high,varp),-varp*4)-prev(lowest(low,varp),-varp*4) : 0
varr5 = h_f ? iff(vare == 0 and varp==1,abs(prev(close,-varp*4)-prev(close,-varp*5)),vare) : 0
cdelta = abs(close - prev(close,-1))
var0 = (not h_f) ? iff((cdelta > (high-low)) or (high==low),cdelta,(high-low)) : 0
lrange=h_f ? ((varr1+varr2+varr3+varr4+varr5)/5)*.2 : sma(var0,5)*.2
mba = sma( (high+low)/2,length)
vOpen = (open-mba)/lrange
vClose = (close-mba)/lrange
vHigh = (high-mba)/lrange
vLow = (low-mba)/lrange
// Body Calculations
bodyHigh = vOpen>vClose ? vOpen : vClose
bodyLow = vOpen<vClose ? vOpen : vClose
body0 = (vOpen>0 and vClose>0) or (vOpen>0 and vClose<0) ? bodyHigh : (vOpen<0 and vClose<0) or (vOpen<0 and vClose>0) ? bodyLow : 0
body1 = vOpen<0 and vClose>0 ? bodyHigh : vOpen>0 and vClose<0 ? bodyLow : 0
bodyCover = vOpen>0 and vClose>0 ? bodyLow : vOpen<0 and vClose<0 ? bodyHigh : 0
// Wick Calculations
wick0 = vHigh>0 ? vHigh : vLow
wick1 = vHigh>0 and vLow<0 ? vLow : vHigh
wickCover = vHigh>0 and vLow>0 ? vLow : vHigh<0 and vLow<0 ? vHigh : 0
// Plots
vcolor = vClose>extTop ? lime : vClose<extBot ? red : silver
top_l = plot(extTop, title="Extreme Top Line", color=silver)
bot_l = plot(extBot, title="Extreme Bottom Line", color=silver)
fill(top_l, bot_l, black, transp=95)
plot(body0, linewidth=3, color=vcolor, style=histogram)
plot(body1, linewidth=3, color=vcolor, style=histogram)
plot(bodyCover, linewidth=3, color=white, style=histogram)
plot(wick0, linewidth=1, color=vcolor, style=histogram)
plot(wick1, linewidth=1, color=vcolor, style=histogram)
plot(wickCover, linewidth=1, color=white, style=histogram)
View attachment 163785

cái này nhìn win nhiều nhỉ :D
@anhnguyen14 hjhj k biết bác code backtest đk indi này của idol HH k ạ..:D giá sideway e thấy hiệu quả phết :D
//Created by TheMightyChicken
//Based on LazyBear's Value Chart
study("Value Chart [TheMightyChicken]", shorttitle="VC")
// Inputs
length = input(5, title="Number of bars")
extTop = input(8, title="Extreme level top")
extBot = input(-8, title="Extreme level bottom")
// Value Chart Calculations
prev(s,i) =>
varp = round(length/5)
h_f = length > 7
vara=h_f ? highest(high,varp)-lowest(low,varp) : 0
varr1 = h_f ? iff(vara==0 and varp==1,abs(close-prev(close,-varp)),vara) : 0
varb=h_f ? prev(highest(high,varp),-varp+1)-prev(lowest(low,varp),-varp) : 0
varr2 = h_f ? iff(varb==0 and varp==1,abs( prev(close,-varp)-prev(close,-varp*2) ),varb) : 0
varc=h_f ? prev(highest(high,varp),-varp*2)-prev(lowest(low,varp),-varp*2) : 0
varr3 = h_f ? iff(varc == 0 and varp==1,abs(prev(close,-varp*2)-prev(close,-varp*3)),varc) : 0
vard = h_f ? prev(highest(high,varp),-varp*3)-prev(lowest(low,varp),-varp*3) : 0
varr4 = h_f ? iff(vard == 0 and varp==1,abs(prev(close,-varp*3)-prev(close,-varp*4)),vard)  : 0
vare = h_f ? prev(highest(high,varp),-varp*4)-prev(lowest(low,varp),-varp*4) : 0
varr5 = h_f ? iff(vare == 0 and varp==1,abs(prev(close,-varp*4)-prev(close,-varp*5)),vare) : 0
cdelta = abs(close - prev(close,-1))
var0 = (not h_f) ? iff((cdelta > (high-low)) or (high==low),cdelta,(high-low)) : 0
lrange=h_f ? ((varr1+varr2+varr3+varr4+varr5)/5)*.2 : sma(var0,5)*.2
mba = sma( (high+low)/2,length)
vOpen = (open-mba)/lrange
vClose = (close-mba)/lrange
vHigh = (high-mba)/lrange
vLow = (low-mba)/lrange
// Body Calculations
bodyHigh = vOpen>vClose ? vOpen : vClose
bodyLow = vOpen<vClose ? vOpen : vClose
body0 = (vOpen>0 and vClose>0) or (vOpen>0 and vClose<0) ? bodyHigh : (vOpen<0 and vClose<0) or (vOpen<0 and vClose>0) ? bodyLow : 0
body1 = vOpen<0 and vClose>0 ? bodyHigh : vOpen>0 and vClose<0 ? bodyLow : 0
bodyCover = vOpen>0 and vClose>0 ? bodyLow : vOpen<0 and vClose<0 ? bodyHigh : 0
// Wick Calculations
wick0 = vHigh>0 ? vHigh : vLow
wick1 = vHigh>0 and vLow<0 ? vLow : vHigh
wickCover = vHigh>0 and vLow>0 ? vLow : vHigh<0 and vLow<0 ? vHigh : 0
// Plots
vcolor = vClose>extTop ? lime : vClose<extBot ? red : silver
top_l = plot(extTop, title="Extreme Top Line", color=silver)
bot_l = plot(extBot, title="Extreme Bottom Line", color=silver)
fill(top_l, bot_l, black, transp=95)
plot(body0, linewidth=3, color=vcolor, style=histogram)
plot(body1, linewidth=3, color=vcolor, style=histogram)
plot(bodyCover, linewidth=3, color=white, style=histogram)
plot(wick0, linewidth=1, color=vcolor, style=histogram)
plot(wick1, linewidth=1, color=vcolor, style=histogram)
plot(wickCover, linewidth=1, color=white, style=histogram)
View attachment 163785
Không thấy rule, vĩnh cho cái rule đi :)
e test bằng mắt thì ngày cung dk 5 6 lệnh winrate cũng hơn 50% hjhj đi fibo tốt:D
Okay, cái này mình cũng test lâu ùi á, nhưng dữ liệu idc, tỷ lệ hình như cũng tốt nhưng đợi nến VC đóng cửa quá ngưỡng rất ít nên mình xoá mất rồi, để mình code lại rồi gửi lên :)
BbRsi di liền 1 chuỗi 4 win, keke
* Hàng của Vĩnh đây, txt đính kèm :)

Đính kèm

  • Value Chart Strategy_[user@vinh0902].txt
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