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Thanks team #golden eye trading đã cảnh báo cho công đồng
Xem thêm chi tiết: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQK6hSCb4Xs

Bên dưới là subtitle cho các bạn tham khảo (vài chổ nghe không rõ...:)
It sort of goes like this Candy I mean sure to. There is a much longer while. But now he's gone. He basically said he doesn't want people to see. And secondly Tom said he showed up big time. So I will do. Okay so we're locked into AMC for manager at the moment. This is a …..Version of this. So if I do something you can. Buy some chocolate doll stuff but it's about nothing on that. I also made myself cold out of my fax. Line. Which is sitting in that and that's got 46 grand in it. But you can also see the history. Of the last three days. And if we go to the phone which is. Right. So I want you pups that's my…. right. Okay so here you go. You can see.
This account is life. I don't want to expose what brokerage we use him but you can see it's real. Because we don't want we I can cut up any trades and you'll see what's gone on today you'll see that that matches.
So let's just say some things. OK so first of all let's go let's play a new order in the market. So.
What have we got going on here. That's that's so. Thousand cable devices that just goes up some more money first. Keep it quick. So this I just one I'm doing this. This this hundreds of these service they're all over the place all of these guys just either rent them their brokers fronting the Falls brokers this we know this is literally hundreds they say let's make a deposit we'll go in here let's that's a men in the account so let's go for our strike you just give us a code safety deposit deposit this code in a. Well. We go as a mail service just check this down on and see something else around the. House. It was boy six grand. As long as. We go. So there was a deposit. So it's all good looking policies now go the militant. Let's just have a quick look. Oh yeah. There's the original deposit. This was it was one of blossom and I think that you can see have just got an extra minute. Right. Just to keep it going. Right. So let's not do that trade. So we'll go by here my fax. Is the trade. I will go here. And I can now go and write a thousand loss. Less. So it was the high cable today : 1.2360. We'll sell.
That number plus some we have a six hundred and sixty two grand on this already because it's gone up let's just say it doesn't need to see stocks represented on the phone.
Really annoying for some strange reason. What does that say. It catches. A product at Starbucks but you can see we go here open positions. That's that cable position that I would have profit 651k. Say. OK.
Emphasis on all this craziness. I apologize.
Come on. All right. We're back in again. So I do my facts. So there is a much longer video. You can see the trade. Yes. If I wanted to. Go and look at our trade here you can see. How it just might stop loss of capability. Well.
I mean I can even take crossing movement with my stops as well which you see that not being done all the time. I can close right now.
I see what I do is I close on the side. So you have to see it close down the side. I just hope you go over here you know it's all line close order. Take profit basically just because we grab Bosch they go change straight away on the screen then you look at as well.
So they go I could do anything I want an account here. I may this some dancing which she's got the log in
There we go. That's. A tough day. Yeah it a tough day. He's got 10 minutes already. That's a scary ….. Deposit. Cause a lot of code in AQQ…. Maybe Tom will. We'll look and you can see. Whole 15 minutes that of that handle next next he locks. All right. Dead easy.
Something else you would also see if he proves kind of when people say Oh you've got your working orders. That's just good news too. So. Thanks.
All the same. Little things changed here. All still real. OK. Nothing's changed or at all real. You're like a superhero. New Order. Let's go. cable not 127 right. Sell 100 lot GU at 1.2330 Well what is it once that three time. Figure. Complete enough to call this service are everywhere that not expensive to run. These guys are all out there so I'm afraid I'm going to be here. Open it up. Bring it here and close it. Wash back the money is in that if we go now back to this she's in the process of just made on that and 1.737.100
I've just.
Well the one million deposits at the 46 K.. That was a review that the 600 grand just made in 10 minutes facing the cable. Also the moon which is made just turning over 20 on a left for the demo. But basically you set one of these up you're a hundred percent diligent. You can have any balance you want any control you want.
And really this is wholesale global scam that's a capture pretty much anyone that's thinks this shit's real.

Giới thiệu sách Trading hay
Thấu hiểu Hành vi giá Thị trường Tài chính - Understanding Price Action

Là quyển sách hướng dẫn giao dịch Phương Pháp Price Action của Bob Volman, chỉ sử dụng duy nhất một đường MA và cấu trúc thị trường cùng hành vi giá để tìm kiếm lợi nhuận
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Hây da, bữa giờ ngộ cảnh báo mà thấy cũng ít anh em để ý lắm. Giờ Hardtolose cảnh báo mới được ad để ý. Đúng là có thương hiệu thường được để ý nhiều hơn. :oops::oops::oops:.
Xin lỗi bác vì chắc anh em editor không để ý. Nếu bác đã viết rồi thì tôi sẽ gửi team editor duyệt và xem hợp lý sẽ đem ra trang chủ nhé. Xin lỗi bác và cảm ơn bác đã đóng góp bài tâm huyết
cũng đã từng nhìn thấy những tk live show trực với pass investor. tài khoản phải nói bao là đẹp . những trader kinh nghiệm khoảng 3-4 năm nếu không để ý, vẫn bị lừa như thường.
cũng đồng ý với bạn trên chỉ có tay nước ngoài khôn hơn làm được. còn thầy việt nam hiện tại cũng còn đang cầm rìu gỗ
Bài viết hữu ích ;)


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